
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts: Bits and Pieces

Thursday's Thoughts: a taste of what I'm thinking

It's another list kind of day, so here's a list of random things that have wandered across my mind in the past few days...

1. The quote I ended with yesterday also applies to little pebbles in your shoes.  Only you get blisters.  One little thing out of place may seem small and insignificant, but over time it can add up.

2. Farmer's market started here! My brother requested rhubarb pie for his birthday so I ventured out to find rhubarb.  I also picked up some beautiful leaf lettuce.  Crisp, green and fresh.  I may have eaten some as soon as I got to the car, so good.

3. The rhubarb pie recipe I used called for cinnamon and cloves.  It didn't occur to me until after I had mixed in the cloves that the pie would have been better without them.  It wasn't bad (as evidenced by the fact that it was eaten in less than a day), but I'll leave out the cloves next time.  Oh darn I'll have to go back to farmer's market on Saturday and then make another pie.

4. It's pretty handy to have a brother around to test out recipes. When I inquired about the spice in the pie he said the pie was tasty and then caught on and said I had better make another one just in case. He really wouldn't mind if I needed to test out a few tweaks or if I just so happened to make another pie.  Hmmm, I like that way of thinking.  Too bad he's only home for a few more days.

5. Sleeping with your window open in the summer reminds me of camping.  Listening to the wind rustle the leaves, the chirp of crickets and frogs.  Funny thing though how the song birds think they need to wake up the sun.

6. Since it was my brother's golden birthday my aunt brought over goldfish crackers, golden Oreo cookies and Rold Gold pretzels with his present.  Pretty clever, huh?

7. I'm terrible at responding to letters.  To those of you who have sent me a card or letter in the past month, I apologize for not getting back to you yet.  I give snail nail a whole new meaning.

8. I play around with a lot of ideas and recipes that I don't bother to post about.  Most recently I've made homemade chocolate chips, homemade peanut butter (super easy), peanut butter banana frozen yogurt, agave popcorn balls (sticky mess), pumpkin granola, pumpkin Alfredo using tofu (no tofu taste, but the pumpkin spices just weren't the right mix of sweet and savory for me), sriracha grilled tofu (great flavor but still soggy tofu texture) and a few veggie burger recipes (one with good flavor, but both need help on the mushy center texture issue).

9.  Why do I feel like I need to come up with 10 things for this list?  Probably the perfectionist in me thinking 10 is the expected number or at least a nice even one.  Let's color outside the lines...

9-1/2.   .....and end it at 9-1/2.

9-7/11.  .....wait, really?  9-1/2 is not outside the lines, let's go with nine and seven elevenths.

Food for Thought: "Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. " -Colossians 3:12b

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