
Friday, November 9, 2012

Fermented Friday: Citrus Pomegranate Spirals with Candied Ginger

Fermented Friday: recipes featuring yeast, wine, beer or some form of fermentation.

Pomegranates were only 69 cents again, time to play.  I also had a lime in my fridge that needed to be put to good use.  Hmmm, something pomegranate-lime....pomegranate, lime about pomegranate, lime and ginger....or maybe orange-pomegranate.  Meh, let's just go with all four flavors, but what to put them in?  Salad, salsa, muffins, cookies, bread?  Ahh yes, bread.  Baking bread just needs to happen.  I need to knead...something....something bright and sunny, something the opposite of my mood...and the weather.  Dreary, overcast days call for baking.  I need to unwind, loosen up a little, peel off the outer layer and get to the soft center.  Let's go with rolls.

Orange juice and lime are kneaded into soft, sweet dough.  Golden orange marmalade adds an extra layer of sweetness before a sprinkle of candied ginger and juicy, red pomegranate seeds are wrapped and tucked inside.

These tender rolls are just bursting with flavor. 

Even after baking the pomegranate seeds have a juicy pop that bursts with each bite.  While the pomegranate adds color and texture, candied ginger brings its own bite to pack in a flavor punch.  The sticky sweetness of the marmalade adds just the right balance while lending a touch a citrus. 

With all that going on, I really couldn't pick op on the lime.  I also let them rise too long after shaping as you can see by the funkily unsmooth tops (umm yes, I like to make up words and phrases like funkily unsmooth, just roll with me here). These sunny rolls are plenty sweet on their own, but if you're in the mood for a glaze I imagine some powered sugar with a little orange juice and some extra lime peel would be just the thing. 

 While dull, overcast days are perfect for baking, they're not so handy for taking pictures.  It was so dark out in the middle of the afternoon I decided to try turning on an overhead light. Let's just say I've got a lot of learning to do with lighting as the winter months come.  See how different the rolls look depending on the light?

Regardless of looks, lighting, and the weather, the flavor punch wrapped into each soft, tender roll made these citrusy-ginger-pomegranate rolls disappear in no time flat.  Sometimes a burst of sunshine comes in unexpected ways and you just roll with it.  Ugh, sorry...I better stick to kneading and keep at it until I work out this quirky mood. 

Citrus Pomegranate Spirals with Candied Ginger

2-1/4 tsp instant yeast
3/4 cup very warm milk
1/2 cup warm orange juice
1/4 cup honey
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 Tbsp butter, melted
1 lime
1 tsp salt
1 cup white whole wheat flour
3 to 3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup orange marmalade 
1 cup pomegranate seeds (about 1 medium pomegranate)
1/3 cup finely chopped candied ginger

* In a large bowl dissolve yeast in warm milk. Stir in orange juice, honey, egg and butter. Grate lime peel into bowl then squeeze in juice.  Add salt, white whole wheat flour and 3 cups all-purpose flour. Stir to form a stiff dough; turn onto floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, kneading in additional flour as needed, about 10 minutes. Place in an oiled bowl; cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size.
* Knead dough 1 to 2 minutes; cover and let stand 10 minutes. Meanwhile, grease muffin tins or baking pan with non-stick cooking spray.  Divide dough in half and roll each half into a 9-x-12-inch rectangle. Spread orange marmalade over dough. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and candied ginger. Roll each rectangle into a spiral, starting with the long end; seal seam. Slice each log into 12 pieces. Place slices in prepared pans. Cover and let rise in a warm place until almost double in size. 
* Bake at 350 degrees F for 18-20 minutes or until light golden brown. Let cool in pan slightly before removing to wire cooling racks.

Food for Thought: "Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." -Anthony J. D'Angelo 

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