
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday's Twist: Pumpkin-Biscoff Pull-Apart Loaf

Tuesday's Twist:  A basic recipe with a fun twist.  In other words, just another excuse for me to play around with weird recipes I've been dying to try.

I've been waiting to make something with pumpkin and Biscoff for what seems like forever. According to my Pinterest boards I first discovered this flavor combination only 9 weeks ago... so just a tad shorter than forever.  For those of you non-foodies, Biscoff is known as the European version of peanut butter.  While the texture resembles peanut butter, it has a flavor all its own. Think of it as a spreadable gingersnap cookie.  Biscoff is now available in quite a few grocery stores across the US.  It's also sold as Cookie Butter at Trader Joe's. (Rumor has it they'll be stocking a crunchy variety in time for Christmas.) I bought a jar this past summer, but it went straight from spoon to mouth.  After seeing this this Pumpkin Biscoff Bread, I knew the second jar wouldn't go entirely from spoon to mouth, or at least not directly.

Another thing I've been itching to make is a pull-apart loaf.  I mean, who wouldn't want to pull ribbons of bread off a loaf? It looks like too much fun. This was my first attempt and, as always, I learned a few things along the way.

After making pumpkin dough based on this recipe, I rolled it into a 10 x 15-inch rectangle. Next time, I'd roll the dough thinner to make a much longer sheet.

A drizzle of warm Biscoff replaces the butter you'd use in traditional cinnamon rolls.  I used 1/4 cup here, but would definitely go for more next time.

Spread until smooth, then lick the spatula because you should always clean as you go.  A sprinkle of cinnamon sugar would be a good idea here. Sugar and pumpkin pie spice wouldn't hurt either.

Use a pizza cutter to cut the dough into strips. I would make a lot more strips here to get a more layered look at the end.

Stack your strips.

Tuck the stacks into a greased loaf pan. (Put the Biscoff side facing in on the two end pieces.)

This is where I decided to sprinkle on cinnamon sugar.  Most of the sugar dissolved while the loaf was rising so sprinkling just before baking might be better.

Let the loaf rise until double in size.  Again, more strips packed tighter will look better.  If your house is a little too chilly for expedient bread rising then try this trick.  Boil a cup of water in the microwave then place your loaf pan in the microwave with the hot water.  The warm, steamy environment will speed up the rise time.  Just be sure not to turn on the microwave while your bread is rising.

Bake then try not to burn your fingers as you peel apart the layers.  Another drizzle of Biscoff is highly encouraged.

I was super tempted to make another loaf with all these changes, but it's just too dangerous.  I'd opt for a softer, sweeter yeast dough or more Biscoff and cinnamon sugar. Probably both. Oh, and I'd definitely have someone on hand to share this with.  Like in my house before it even comes out of the oven.  With all those changes I think I'll just leave it at that rather than typing up a recipe.  That might give me a chance to lick my fingers clean before I get into any more trouble.

Food for Thought: "Life is pretty simple. You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else." -Tom Peters 

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