
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday's Thoughts: Another List

Thursday's Thoughts: a taste of what I'm thinking

Like I explained here I find it helpful to make lists of what I'm thankful for.  It may seem silly or trivial, but try it out for yourself and you'll find out just what I mean.

a big round full moon
cheery yellow daffodils
new learning opportunities
ambidextrous scissors
spell check
moonlight shadows on clouds
sunshine and slightly warmer weather
conversations that make you think
choices and decisions
planning via lists
pictures and memories
care-free laughter and songs of children
clean socks
when every clean sock has a matching clean sock in the same load
the twinkle in an eye that accompanies a smile
thoughtfulness and concern of a friend
a good stretch
lint rollers
lip balm
laundry baskets
unhurried time
making up words
the hope and promise of spring
trust and patience
working alarm clocks
large cutting boards
fresh rosemary
helping hands
selfless sacrifice
intricate patterns in unexpected places

Food for Thought: "The great gift of Easter is hope- Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake. -Basil Hume 

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