

About Me

You may be wondering who I am.  Well, that's a good question.  In fact, its one I'm trying to figure out myself right now too.  But anyway, here's a little bit about me.

I'm in my twenties and recently graduated from college with a B.S. in Culinary Science.  What's Culinary Science? Its a new major that combines food science with culinary arts.  Ideally, I'd like to work in a test kitchen with recipe development.  I've always loved to play in the kitchen whether its trying out an old recipe or creating my own.

I'm not really sure what's next in life for me.  Hopefully it will involve finding a "real job" soon.  In the mean time I'm learning a lot about life and about myself.  Just because I'm out of school doesn't mean I'm done learning!  Besides, I've always said I learn more out of the classroom.  This blog will help me sort out and share what I'm learning from life. Okay, enough about me for now. If you want to find out more read the posts or shoot me an email.

About the Blog

Tried in Blue is a collection of my thoughts and stuff I've been trying out lately.  I love to try new recipes, so most of the recipes on this site are new to me.  That means they won't necessarily be "keepers".  Read the post carefully and I'll let you know how it turned out and if you should bother trying it for yourself.  I'll try to give suggestions for how to improve or change the recipe too.  Ideally I would love to test and re-test each recipe until its "perfect", but at this point in life I don't have the resources to do that. So, I'm just going to try out a bunch of stuff and let you know how it goes, okay? Okay.

Where does the "tried in blue" part come from? The "tried" is what I just described.  It goes for both recipes and things I working on/thinking about/trying in life.  The "in blue" part comes from my favorite color.  I always seem to be wearing something blue.  My eyes are blue (you have no idea how many times I've been asked if I have colored contacts. And no, I don't. My eyes really are that color). I have a blue whisk, a blue spatula, vintage blue Pyrex mixing bowls, blue aprons and plenty of blue dishes. Over the years I've accumulated quite of few things in various shades of blue.  So most of what I try really is "tried in blue."

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