
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday's Twist: Waffled French Toast

Tuesday's Twist:  A basic recipe with a fun twist.  In other words, just another excuse for me to play around with weird recipes I've been dying to try.

 Forget stirring up drippy batter and watching it ooze out your waffle iron.  Waffles without the work collide with the flavors of French toast in this simple twist.

I enjoy a good waffle as much as the next person, but I rarely take the time to make them.  French toast is faster and requires less cleanup, but only waffles have the perfect little squares to capture puddles of sweet maple syrup.  

Growing up, homemade waffles were an occasional Sunday brunch treat.  On school mornings my mom spent so much time dragging us out of bed that there was little time left for breakfast.  Frozen toaster waffles were convenient and fun to play with.  Do you remember the Pillsbury toaster waffles with the imprint of the Doughboy in the middle?  Every time we ate those for breakfast I used a particular method of deconstruction.  First, I would cut off and eat one row of squares from each edge.  This left only the Doughboy in the middle.  I would then cut him in half, separating his head from his body.  After consuming the lower half, I used my fork to poke him between the eyes and finish him off.  I'm not sure why I found that so entertaining, but at least there was a method to my madness.

 Eggo cinnamon toast waffles were also a favorite.  What kid can argue with four cute little toast-shaped pieces connected into a waffle? These waffles are not only toast-shaped, they taste like French toast. We always kept our French toast simple with just eggs and milk, but feel free to add vanilla or nutmeg to the egg mixture if that's how you like your French toast.

Freeze any leftovers and pop them in the toaster for a quick morning breakfast. Or, try using the leftovers to perk up a boring sandwich.  You can probably guess my favorite way to eat waffles involves peanut butter.  Warm, gooey, melted peanut butter trapped in tiny squares and drizzled with sweet maple syrup.  If you haven't tried this combination, you're seriously missing out.

Waffled French Toast

2 large eggs
1/4 cup milk
4 slices whole wheat bread

* In a shallow bowl, whisk together eggs and milk.
* Dip bread slices into egg mixture, coating each side.
* Bake in preheated, greased waffle iron according to manufacturer's directions until golden brown.

Food for Thought: "Don't place your mistakes on your head, their weight may crush you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as a platform to view your horizons." -unknown

1 comment:

  1. If you don't add cinnamon and nutmeg you are doing it wrong! :-P
