
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Weird (Recipe-less) Wednesday: Random Pictures

Know what's weird?  My camera.  I found just enough time to re-photograph today's recipe before heading into work.  I thought my camera problems were solved, and all appeared to be going well.  The issues I had the first time didn't happen so I continued to snap away.  Yet once again, when I went to transfer the pictures they were blank.

I've been waiting the past few days for a new memory card to come in the mail.  It hadn't arrived yet so I used the card out of my old point and shoot.  Apparently it doesn't work that way.  The new card arrived in the mail  after I finished the second picture attempt, before I realized it didn't work, and moments before I left for work.  I haven't had time to open it yet, nor been home during daylight to try a third time.  By the time you read this I'll be back at work, but there's a chance I will get off while it's still light out and have time to use that new card.  No promises, but hopefully Friday you'll be able to see what I've been trying so hard to show you.

In the meantime, here are some random pictures that resurfaced from my point and shoot as I attempted to transfer those phantom photos.

 These first few are from a project I did in college.  I had to do the start-up planning and financial stuff as if I were going to start my own business.  Of course I picked something food related and went with a cookie business.  The pictures were for my display board, but I'll spare you the details of the business I am not planning to start.

 This little guy was IN my kale.  Wash your produce, snails do live in grocery store kale.

 Heirloom tomatoes from last summer.

 Sunrise or sunset (maybe both?) in Iowa.

I woke up extremely early one Saturday morning and couldn't sleep. I went out with my camera and found these.  Much better than sleeping in.

 That same summer there was a balloon festival in the town I lived in.  Hundreds of hot air balloons took off just a few miles from the apartment. I enjoyed watching them all week long.

 This is a really old one.  If you've never picked and eaten a strawberry straight from the field, you're missing out.
Food for Thought: "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him" -Lamentations 3:24

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