
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday's Thoughts: This and That

Thursday's Thoughts: a taste of what I'm thinking

Hmmm, it appears to be Thursday again.  What am I thinking?  I can't even figure out what's on my mind, so let's go for random again.

1. There was a snow day on Monday, and I missed it.  Missed it! I didn't even know it was a snow day until the next day. What fun is that?  To be fair we didn't get any snow, just a lot of rain and ice.

2.  Everything looked like it had been dipped in glass.

3.  Cold winter days call for hot bowls of soup.  Two recipes I'm loving lately are this creamy mushroom soup made with cauliflower and Greek yogurt and this spicy red lentil soup.

4.  After you're warm and cozy from soup you can eat this chocolate-ginger ice cream.  But then you'll need some ginger hot chocolate to warm back up.

5.  Happy February Eve.  Tomorrow is February, just in case you forgot.

6.  I can now say I've disassembled a laptop, cleaned out the fan and put it all back together. Actually my brother did it and I "helped" by keeping track of the screws.  There are a lot of little screws and lots of dust. Thanks again, B, for tolerating my "help" and taking the initiative in the first place.

7.  I'm in need of another good book to read.  Any suggestions?  I just read The Help, it was really good as was the movie.

8.  Do you remember gel candles? And gel pens? I had almost forgotten about the gel candles until I came across an old one I made.  I should dig out all those old gel pens too.  While we're on the gel topic, don't forget jelly shoes.

9.  A good puzzle should suffice until I pick another book to read. I used to do puzzles quite a bit, but I haven't worked on one yet this winter.  Unless you count laptops.

10.  I'm totally loving grapefruit right now.  But why the name grapefruit?  Supposedly it grows in bunches like grapes.  But if you look at pictures of grapefruit trees it doesn't look like clusters of grapes to me.  Besides, grapes grow on vines, not trees.  Bananas grow on clusters in trees, why not call in bananafruit since it's yellow.  Or something completely different that does not involve another fruit plus the word fruit.

11. That is it, carry on.

Food for Thought: "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." -James 3:17


  1. Hi Melissa!
    Have you ever read "The Shack?" Very much fiction, but it has some wonderful insights about God.

    Another good one that I enjoyed recently is "Love Does" by Bob Goff. I have a copy if you'd like to borrow it. It's nonfiction, Christian.

    "Wonderstruck" by Margaret Feinberg -- I haven't read it yet, but she's always good.

    "So Long, Insecurity," by Beth Moore (I have a copy to loan out) and "Believing God" (also by Beth , but I don't have a copy) are good. Especially the second one -- that book and study radically changed my faith and life.

    Have fun!

    1. Thanks, Karen! I will look into those as I haven't read most of them. I've read "So Long Insecurity" but not "Believing God." It was you and Alyssa that first introduced me to Margaret Feinberg's books. I'll have to check out "Wonderstruck" as I've enjoyed her other books. Thanks again!
