
Monday, May 27, 2013

Mindful Monday: A Trip to Alvina's

Mindful Monday: On Monday's I'm going to share what's been on my mind. I by no means have any of this figured out, I'm just thinking out loud here.

Last week I visited my great-aunt, Alvina, and she showed me all around her farm.  She reminisced about all her years there and told stories of longstanding traditions.  Of course I couldn't help but take a few pictures as we wandered around outside.

I was eager to see how asparagus grows and she kindly saved some for me to cut.

She taught me all about growing asparagus and even let me use her special asparagus knife, marked with yellow tape in case she drops it.

Alvina advises storing the spears in water until ready to use.  I happened to use a blue glass (Alvina has a collection of blues dishes as well) and decided it looked more like a bouquet than a vegetable.

The flowers I grew up calling Johnny Jump-Ups were scattered all over the woods.

A cluster of uncurling ferns lined one edge of the house.  The sunlight streaming through the leaves captured my attention.

I'll tell you more about this during our Flashback Friday's but she also shared her mother's (my great grandmother's) handwritten recipe notepad with me.  I was able to photograph every page and am quite eager to look over the recipes.  Most were for food, but this one give instructions on making soap from lye, rainwater, borax and grease.  I'm so thankful we can still read the writing on most pages. What a treasure!

Food for Thought: "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." -Lamentations 3:24

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