
Monday, August 6, 2012

Mindful Monday: A Few Thoughts

Mindful Monday: On Monday's I'm going to share what's been on my mind. I by no means have any of this figured out, I'm just thinking out loud here.

1. Check out Angela's challenge for August in this post.  Be sure to read the quotes at the end too.  What a great idea! 

2. A few weeks ago my friend and I decorated coffee mugs by writing quotes on them.  The quote I chose was, "Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity."

3. A couple of Thursday's ago I wrote about curiosity in life.  As I write this, Curiosity is about an hour and a half from landing on Mars.  I've always found space exploration fascinating and wanted to be an astronaut at one point in life.  There's just so much unknown out there to discover!

4. Slowing down for the simple things is really important.  I haven't done so great at that the past few weeks.  I finally got out for a walk this weekend and was reminded of the beauty all around me.  My mood is so much better when I pause to give thanks and enjoy the little things in life.  

5. Prayer changes things.  I recently asked a friend to pray for me about a certain situation.  I didn't give her many details but simply asked for some prayer support in that area.  She emailed me a prayer so beautiful and moving I was speechless.  Her prayer addressed specific details and concerns I hadn't even told her about.  God gives us just what we need at the right time. 

6. Within an hour of reading her prayer, I picked up a devotional book I've been going through.  The devotion for that day wasn't directly related to the situation at hand, but the 2 selected verses were exactly what I needed to hear.  I prayed for wisdom about a situation and God provided clear guidance and insight through these verses.  It's so reassuring to know He has it all under control.

Food for Thought: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and he will establish your plans." -Proverbs 16:3

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